Translation : Besides having a strong vocal and successful in the field of singing, Ziana Zain is actually a great actress. Her acting talent was first discovered by the famous film director and producer, Dato Yusof Haslam about the year 1994 which led her to star in his film entitled Sembilu. The overwhelming response led the film earned its director to produce a sequel film entitled Sembilu 2. Sembilu 2 has sparked unusual phenomenon when it is able to collect 6.4 million and became the most successful Malay film in history and its director Dato Yusof Haslam has called Six Million Dollar Man. For the time being, she had successfully involved in 9 films. In fact, every film she plays never fail to reach the box office proceeds. Now let us see every movie that ever played by Ziana Zain.
List of Ziana Zain's films:

Synopsis : Ziana Zain acted as seductive night club singer, who tried to seduce Awie and planned to ruin his relationship with his sweetheart, Wati (Erra Fazira). Ziana tries every means to win Awie's heart unfortunately she failed.
Awards : Ziana won Most Popular Supporting Actress in ABP 1995
$$ : 4.2 Million

Role : After a failed the first attempt to seduce Awie, Ziana Zain never give up. She still determined to break up the relationship between Wati and Awie and hope that Awie will love her back. Ziana successfully resolved the relationships between Awie and Watie Unfortunately Awie did not return back to her. Ziana was disappointed and sorry.
Awards : Ziana won Most Popular Supporting Actress in ABP 1996
$$ : 6.4 Million

Role : Ziana Zain acted as Mariana who is wild and rebellious. Things change when Mariana meets Jefri (Edika Yusof) who shows concern and interest in her, but not for long . Soon he shifts his interest towards Maria instead
Awards : Ziana won Best Supporting Actress - Anugerah Skrin ke 2 1997
$$ : 4.7 million

Role : Ziana acted as Kasih a part-time counselor who try to help Merah (Awie) after he been released from prison on bank robbery offense. With the help from Kasih, Merah gained back his strength to pursue his life. Later, they both fall in love.
Awards : Ziana Zain nominated as Best Actress in Festival Filem Malaysia ke 13.
$$ : 1.5 Million

Role : This film is the sequel for Maria Mariana. In this film, Ziana was totally changed after the incident that nearly took her sister's life. She is no more wild and rebellious. But this time around she try to give a lesson to those who had ruined her life.
Awards : Ziana won Most Popular Film Actress in ABP 1998
$$ : 3.2 Million

Role : Ziana Zain acted as Marina, elder sister of Salina (Hetty Sarlene) who is psychotic. She is very angry when she's discovered her sister had a relationship with the Chinese/English boy, Vince. Marina had experienced of being dumped by her boyfriend for English girl, the thing that haunted her till now.
$$ : 1.4 Million

Role : Ziana acted as wife of Azlee (Senario Group), a businessman who is bitchy and fussy. Thing going worse is when Datuk Pengiran Abdul Rahman has asked his lawyer to find the people to inherit his fortune worth RM30 million. Beside his husband, her sudden step mother also eligible for that will. Later on they involved in fight over who is the right person for the will.
$$ : 1.2 Million

Role : Ziana Zain acted as Rani, a sister of Karisma who is supportive, feminine and love her sister very much. They both fall in love with non identical twins, Khushry and Igam. They plant to have a joint wedding however everything ruined when Igam was arrested on drug abuse offense.
$$ : 1.573 Million

Role : Ziana Zain acted as vogue Nenek Kebayan (witch). She had a follower, Awang Kenit. Nenek Kebayan had captured Malik, Ayu's brother to be used as her experiment which is to produce Essence of Youth made of human child’s tears.
Awards : Ziana Zain was nominated as Best Supporting Actress in Festival Filem Malaysia ke 23.
$$ : 4.1 Million