Translation : Ziana Zain has been invited as guest artist to entertain the audience at MaxMara Fashion Show in Pavillion, Kuala Lumpur. She had sang 2 songs which are "Simply the Best" and a hit from Celine Dion "My Heart Will Go On". Her prowess vocal had mesmerized the audience that night. The event had been hosted by Malaysian Beauty Queen, Deborah Henry. A part of beautiful singing by Asian Pop Queen, Ziana Zain, the audience also been entertain by the magnificence collection from MaxMara. In Fact, Ziana Zain's outfit that night was sponsered by MaxMara. This is another great achievement from Ziana Zain in Fashion Industry after being a muse for Rizman Ruzaini during Malaysia International Fashion Week (MIFW) last year. Congratulation Ziana. You are simply the best!
Credit to Mohd Haiqal
Read more :Ziana Zain, She's Simply The Best