Hoooorayyyy!!!!! Syukur Alhamdullillah, akhirnya Ziana dan Mohd berjaya merangkul gelaran Juara Mentor 4. Dengan markah sebanyak 71, Mohd dan Ziana berjaya mengetepikan 2 lagi finalis iaitu Adi dan Nani. Ziana Zain kelihatan sebak sebaik sahaja Mohd diumumkan sebagai pemenang. Malah kemenangan Mohd pada malam tersebut menepati ramalan ramai pihak. Dengan kemenangan tersebut, Mohd telah berjaya membawa pulang wang tunai bernilai RM 100 000, trofi dan kontrak rakaman bersama Monkey Bone, Manakala Ziana pula telah menerima wang tunai bernilai RM 100 000 dan sebuah trofi.
Translation : Hoooorayyyy !!!!! Thank God, finally Ziana and Mohd won the title of Champion in Mentor 4. With a score of 71, Mohd and Ziana managed to set aside the two other finalists, namely Adi and Nani. Ziana Zain looked choked as soon Mohd announced as the winner. Moreover, the victory of the night meets many of the predictions. With the win, Mohd has been successfully brought back the cash value of RM 100,000, a trophy and a recording contract with Monkey Bone while Ziana has received a cash prize worth RM 100 000 and a trophy.
Now let watch Ziana and Mohd performed!!!!
Source:Kay 9009 and punkrock318 from Youtube